politician and lawyer dimitri peshev, who was supported by many church hierarchies, the tsar of bulgaria boris ii convince him to stop the extradition of jews to the germans. in response to berlin's demands, the king sent hitler a letter in which he boldly stated that bulgaria itself needed jews for the construction of railways, and thanks to this, 50,000 people were saved from extermination. february 22. in 1966, the soviet biosatellite kosmos 110 was launched into low-earth orbit, on board there were dogs, a coal breeze, as well as biological samples, a dosimetry apparatus and other instruments. this mission became a new milestone in the development of space medicine and had a serious impact on preparing humans for a long stay in orbit. it was necessary to find out how space, weightlessness and increased radiation affect a living organism, so that dogs. to eat during the flight, they underwent surgery, homogenized food entered the stomach artificially through a fistula, and electrodes and vascular catheters were also implanted into the dogs. experimental animals stayed in orbit for 22 days; thi