yes, boris kretov and i boris good morning.or and he will be doing the exercise. come on, everything is right , it will just stand nicely and will lead us, but no, good morning, dear friends. i'm a creepers fitness trainer and we're starting our morning workout. let's go today, let's start a non-standard exercise. down up. so the legs are wide, shoulders rise on toes, linger and smoothly lower inhale and as you exhale rise on your heels. we warm up the ankle and calf muscles under the knee joint perfectly, we move to the side. mentally, boris and i are working a little dynamics to raise the pulse. five times good feet wide, shoulders, leave the socks looking straight and you and i do squats. does this mean that we have already had a squatting load once and remained in this position of the legs, do not change , raise the knee up and bring the elbow to the oncoming lane. powerful exhalation i wind up the legs, press the deltoid muscles, the back muscles do not you need to do the exercise everyone needs to do the exercise necessar