by the way, on the same hill, where earlier, once very, very many centuries ago, there was the borisovskayaortress itself. here, of course, a lot is described about her, for example, in the 19th century. it belonged to a well- known family for the sake of villas. well, later, because of various wars, it was bought by the romanov brothers themselves. here is an interesting fact that the estate was built at the beginning of the 19th century, but i can say its current state, it was restored, rubbish plastered inside, removed, which means it already belongs to someone. and perhaps soon we will find out all its beauties, and now i propose to go inside and see what is there. it is clear that the masonry is very old, there are no jumpers. this is me, as an engineer, i’m telling you, but we’ll just lay everything out and it’s clear from the brick that, let’s say, the rough work on the reconstruction of this building has already been completed, fresh screed on the outside, plaster. there is, it seems to me, it remains only to leave the windows, doors and fine finishes. and this estate will again be