norman borlaug, praised for saving more lives than anyone in human history. and we looked up and saw a car coming down through the field on the other side of a major irrigation canal, and doctor borlaug said, "whoa, that looks like margaret." margaret was his wife. and she gets out, she says, "norman, you won the nobel prize!" laughter he didn't really believe it. he comes back and we go back to work. i first met him as my professor. i was the first phd student, and while i was working for him, he won the nobel prize. so then he was too busy to take students so i was the last student also. obviously i am personally honoured beyond all dreams by this election, but the obligations imposed by the honours are far greater than the honour itself. he grew up on a farm in iowa, coming of age during the great depression. he saw a lot of bread lines, a lot of people out of work. he saw a lot of poverty. i think that set him on his career to do something that would benefit society. he started his work in mexico in the 19605, developing high—yielding disease—resistant wh