doctor: well, first of all, it's important to put this into context and daniel bornstein once said thele to discover in the shape of the earth the continents and ocean is not knowledge but, in fact, the illusion of knowledge, but i think what we have here is we are not sure what's happening. we have 22 states where we have cases increasing, 8 rose level and 21 states where it's decreasing and what we are talking about here now is what does reopening do, what do protests do and we just have to be humble and say we are in an unsure moment of what's happening in the country. chris: now some people, doctor, have suggested that the reason we are seeing more cases is because we are doing more testing, but it isn't just new cases. i want to put some numbers up on the screen. 5 states have seen at least a 35% increase in hospitalizations since memorial day and the cdc projects the deaths, deaths will jump from 115,000 now to 124 and 140,000 by july 4th. how much of this do you attribute to states reopening and people easing up on social distancing and do you think when you see this increase in