boroden will measure the number of days between key highs and lows.k 100 days between peak to trough, then it's an important period of time. leonardo fibonacci discovered a crucial series of ratios that repeat over and over in the natural world. 23.6%, 38.2%, 50% and 61.8%. i remember this in elementary math textbooks. always found it to be amusing, but it works in this. we've talked about using these ratios to find key price levels off the charts before levels of a trend will reverse itself. however, you can do the same thing to find critical periods of time or time cycles as boroden calls it. that's what she's doing here, looking for actual moments where a decline will have likely run its course. now, you can see, let's switch charts for a second to the s&p daily chart going into the june 4th low. she had a grouping of fibonacci time cycles coming due between june 5th and june 8th. she had four different fibonacci relationships suggesting the s&p would change course sometime last week. this is called a cluster. and she looks for clusters of these re