and my fish tanks were moving borth back and forth and my fish were freaking up. that woke me up. i went into my office, i noticed as well stuff on my wall had fallen off of the office and that never happened to me. i was kind of scared. and right now it is really having me re-evaluate some things. >> i can hear it nur voice. absolutely, because were you right there near the earthquake. it sounds like, within seconds you knew exactly what it was because everything in your house was starting to shake off the walls and like you said, with the fish tank, and all of that. so that is pretty scary for you. >> and you're not alone. we're hearing from people all over the bay area. many who have been a little bit scared from the violence of the quake that we felt this morning. even though it was a 4.0. and i think as lawrence said, you know, this was a very shallow quake. and kind of depending where you are, it was felt stronger in some areas. and clearly, you're so close to the epicenter of it, we're not surprised that you would have felt it so strongly. >> yeah, i was wondering that, too