>> hi i'm bob borzotta, i sent you a letter.nterrupt for one second. instant replay please. did you notice the hang-time on that handshake? mitch finally did shake. but that was about the only progress. >> what is all this? >> this is for abc news. they follow me. well mr. whalen i wonder, maybe you'd just want to talk to me by myself? >> reporter: borzotta says, off- camera, whalen complained about zimmerman's floodlights, loud parties and even the fact that she's a single mother. why is that his business? >> exactly, but he felt that it would be appropriate for him to comment. >> borzotta says whalen told him he just wants it all to stop. >> mitch repeatedly says to me, all he wants is to be left alone. >> reporter: but, but take a look at this surveillance video. it shows the 20/20 camera crew leaving melissa zimmerman's house. less than 60 seconds later, there goes that nasty red laser beam again, shooting from whalen's house into zimmerman's window. >> it's sad to say that i don't even like to come here. this is my home, an