we appreciate that the sfpuc has been engaging boscaa in this process. we serve users in fremont. over 25% of the demand is met by the hetch hetchy system. we understand where you're coming from and we see the need for it, and we agree fundamentally with the comments that agencies need to stay within their contractual limits. we established our limit in 1984 with the puc, now the isg, before the isa. since that time, through prudent and responsible planning, we took this as a limit not to be exceeded. we approved an irp and we decided not to increase imports but to suplement it locally. we have invested $100 million into this. we have conjunctive groundwater use and off-site -- and the first brackish facility and future recycled water. these work in the existing irc with the buc. we appreciate the complexities of the situation and we appreciate that they have put this into the second draft isa. it is unfair for an agency the this invested in conservation premised on an established contract, that they must be first and foremost on the establish a contractual supply. >> thank you ve