those gardens were always sat in what was called "a bosco," the sacred wood and the wood has a traditionall the way from ancient times as a place where divinities could be hiding in secret. so it was magical. >> as the planned gardens would emerge from the tangled wilderness, suarez along with his fellow designers continued the element of surprise by designing a mystical barge that seems to rise out of the bay like a ghost ship. >> oh my gosh, the barge is the most amazing piece for me. i mean, that is as a landscape architect i have to say this is the biggest folly i know, there is nothing like it in the world. what is it, it looks like a great roman ship out in the bay whi once had trees and a little pavilion on it and fountains and flowers and statues, a stone boat that appears to be floating in the water in front of you but it's actually a breakwater. >> the barge evolved into a work of art as chalfin employed well known artist stirling calder to sculpt the tropical figures that would grace the prow. voluptuous mermaids were added, which led to much discussion about whether the sea c