the working relationship as the prior attention from the staff last week at the meeting of the bosco mr. richie presented the mountain tunnel improvements and updated the quarterly report you'll receive today, i understand the project schedule is sent to you in june our containments are looking at mr. richie's reports and i'll certainly forward this to your staff we hope there is an official plan that could be approved in june mr. richie's presentation represented the completion of tunnel by july 1st, 2018 essentially 3 years from now the bypass tunnel will be complemented completed 12 years from now this roaches the treat from the agencies one point 6 million 0 residents i'm aware of the short time period that's been identified as the shut down of the tunnel and for inspections by given the threat i ask the possibilities of extending those when the tunnel will be raped and report to the commission and at such time extensions are not possible that will be documented the percentage to bosco and the commission we'll be pleased to particle and the risk of the cat tropic collapse in the tomb requir