. -- boscow. we went to one of their meetings last week. they had asked bad back, as he was leaving office, to give some box on what had been accomplished and what they have, how they do that there way of life but it -- by the tet -- by the fed over the tenure. per acknowledgment was a very nice event >> the other communications -- event. the other communications items? >> sfgov.org -- items? >> other communications items? >> i want you to know that these kids they are probably 10 minutes in the good. if you do not mind, i would like to stand up and if you all could just say hello to them, all of the kids. >> hello. >> welcome. [applause] all right. but i just wanted to say thank you. as you know, they have a 10 minute the attention span. they wanted to come down here and see how a city hall works. they always ask about the drinking water. we will not discuss the treatment project today, but this is a good start and we wanted to a knowledge you all. >> thank you for bringing them. welcome. i think that learning how a city hall works is wort