he is bosniac, another ethnic croatian.in their view, every young person who leaves the city leaves one less symbol of a peaceful shared future. >> a keeps dividing the city -- it keeps dividing the city. >> for those with croatian passports, previous barriers to the eu are now gone. he is a teacher at this school. classes are taught separately according to ethnic and religious background. we talked to some of the croats students during lunch break. >> i want to go visit my brother in nuremberg and learn german, then go to college there eventually. >> bosniacs do not have that option. it adds to the youngster's f rustration. >> it's not fair. they have dual citizenship. they can work here and in croatia. but that's how the lies. and the law is made by the state -- law is. the law is made by the state. >> that would be bosnian law, which has yet to deal with this issue. croatia's accession could initially mean a step back for bosnia, a step back in terms of peaceful interethnic relations where rural communities may see the n