there are geographic choke points to remove the suez, bosphorus and so forth, and then there is the tyranny of geography. the oil is one place and it's needed somewhere else and then there is the tyranny of nature and politics and then there is the tyranny of too few facilities. this is an interesting one. too few facilities in small looks. if anyone wants to have a building of high blood pressure take a boat to around houston ship channel, that's where 26% of our gaes lean and diesel is made and 60% of the jet fuel in our tiny location and this is rastanura in saudi arabia, in qatar or the port of tock why. and everything is in a small place and the tyranny of smaug geography and even that ter me exists and also the tyranny of open information when that natural gas facility was attacked in algeria i put up google earth on the screen in my classroom, and i focused in on that natural gas facility and i showed my students an open gate. if i can do that, anyone can do that. and the military people in this rm know full well that this is exactly what the bad guys are doing. i can go and see a nu