boston university. >> when i was discharged from the army, from the air force, i got a letter from general marshall.a general general. he sent me a letter, not a personal letter to me. "dear howie." no. [laughter] a letter that was sent to 16 million men who served in the armed forces. the letter was something likehis, "we won the war. congratulations for your service. it will be a new world." and we know it hasn't been a new world since world war ii. war after war after war and 50 million people were dead in that war to end fascism and militarism. i came to the conclusion that war cannot be tolerated. no matter what we're told. if we think there are good wars, i want to examine the so-called good wars, holy wars, and take a good look at them and think again about the phenomenon of war and come to the conclusion, yes, war cannot be tolerated. no matter what we'reold, no matter what tyrant exists, what border has been crossed, what aggression has taken place, it's not that we're going to be passive in the face of tyranny or aggression, no, but we'll find ways other than war to deal with whatever prob