logan airport. >> seth: yep. >> in massachusetts, boston. car. i thought i would just get one. >> seth: sure. >> they were all -- every masshole had rented every car at the airport. so i was like all right, i guess i'll go down get a cab. so i go to the cab stand and i see the guy there. and the guy goes, "what can i do for you?" and i was like, "hey, man, i'm trying to go -- i got a gig in new hampshire. cab from here to ports mouth?" and he looks at me and he goes -- and he's not from our country. and he looks at me and he goes, "smith." and i go, "yes." [ light laughter ] and then he goes, "portsmith." and i go, "kevin smith." [ laughter ] and he goes, "no. you said ports mouth. it's smith." i was like, "is it?" he said, "yeah." i said, "but it's spelled smouth." and he goes, "it's your language." [ laughter ] right then and there, i was like i got my opener for seth. [ laughter ] all right, so i have so much to accomplish and so little time. >> seth: and for those who haven't seen you on this show before, this is the part where you take