come to boston, minneapolis, san francisco. this is the highest standard the world has ever been. a higher standard because we once said, this is the standard, your job is to reach it. now we've lowered the standard. >> but are you making a reference to spanking your kids, hitting your kids? are you saying that a little bit of that is still okay despite all the controversy with a certain football player? >> i know it taught me a valuable lesson when i got backhanded over the kitchen table. i remember the kitchen table collapsing underneath me. >> did it ever go too far? the critics today say that went too far. >> i deserved it. >> wherever i was, my father could find me with those nine-foot arms. >> find you? >> yeah, because i'm in the backseat hiding. >> that arm had a mind of its own. >> was it too much then? are we going extreme now? >> i was a punk. i deserved it. >> really. >> my father said something, and here's what i did. i went -- i've never done that to a living human being since. >> you're a good man. i think he would be proud. good seeing you again, john. he means wha