we saw this on boston.com. the most recent one in november, a woman straight walked off the platform. it looked like she kind of wasn't paying attention there. goes into the yellow, falls right there on the track. days before that bystanders say this 29-year-old woman was kind of stumbling around, then we see her, boom, a solid drop. what's that, about 6, 7' drop. >> less than a month before that, a 54-year-old woman, a woman in the white coat, you see her. looks like she's talking to her friend. boom, she falls down here. you guys might remember this incident from august. a woman and her 4-year-old son, she thought she could board that train on the other side of the platform, didn't realize train tracks were there. she fell down holding onto her son. way back in june a man fell -- to me it looked like he was looking down the platform trying to see a train coming. fortunately in all these incidents passengers were right there, close by, able to pull them up to safety, no train, too. >> i feel sorry for them. br