bostonnists, i mean. -- bostonnists, i mean. so in order to make a pencil, you would have to know how to do all of these things, so there are probably thousands of people who have cooperated together to make this pencil. somehow the people in south america, who dug out the graphite cooperated with the people in malaysia, who tapped the rubber trees. cooperated with maybe the people in oregon, who cut down the trees. these thousands of people don't know one another. they speak different languages. they come from different religions. they might hate one another if they saw them. what is it that enabled thome cooperate together? the answer is the existence of the market. the answer is, the people in latin america were led to dig out the graphite, because somebody was willing to pay them. they didn't know, have to know who was paying them. they didn't have to know what it was going to be used for. all they knew was that somebody was going to pay them. and indeed, going back to hyack, one of the most important articles he ever wrote,