gogoleva, yes, just that, this is gogoleva, here, our women, shatrova, bostritskaya, bostritskaya, yesin a lot of films, his brother was also vashchita there, and you had no competition with your brother, professional, no , no, no, no, we are different, we played when he, this is the first big, love affair, i played yarovov, and he played shvandy, yeah, so no, we, he is more social, he was like that, i am more intelligent, one social, the second intelligent, that we got into a performance with sasha, we had already gone to the mass council, and we came to watch uncle vanya, chekhov, they are two brothers. played in this play, one astrov , the other uncle vanya, and we watched the performances, sat as if at a football game, why, because he started the scene there, for example, yura, brilliantly, everyone applauded, then he took the initiative into his own hands, astrov, vitaly solomin , it was cool. i haven’t become stupid yet, god is merciful, my brains are in the right place, but my feelings have somehow become dull, yes, i have lost my head, yes, very much, they were both two great a