given by ruykunov, and botelev openly asked about his girlfriend, what her name was, and no one elsethe unity and heroism of our army forced the fascists to flee quickly and far. 150 km on foot during the novorossiysk-taman offensive operation and here is the decisive moment, from this height the germans control almost all of taman, and therefore the approaches to the crimean peninsula, our troops take by cunning, bypass the strategic line and give battle from the rear. by early october 1943, the famous blue line of german defense was broken forever, with kilometers of mined fields. barbed wire anti-tank ditch, since january 1942 it was built by the best german specialists, with the hands, of course, of civilians, the lower race, as the slavs were called by the fascists, had to be exterminated forever, even children did not cause pity , a letter from one boy who was shot in forty-two, mom, don’t worry, i’m fine, you’re the most important thing, so save your strength to raise our brothers there, dedication and courage led to the fact that ultimately on october 9... the territory of ku