. >> that in my opinion is of a piece that bothooks at the college of history that is less important in making money. the bureau of lain bore produced records in late 2009 that identify the top ten growing fields iffer all americans. they're basically taking care of aging babier boomer population and what are we going to do about that. >> you're not studying history there's a stake for wealth distribution and the fact that money has been a motivating prince palg for shaping our society then people don't have sense responsibility for changing for reality that they live. they simply inequality is a naturalized part of the society and they will imbibe or accept anything that a silver tone politician will sell them. history is sufficient to making the point t prect gains that have been made on behalf of something called justice and equality. the challenge is if they are historically illiterate, then they cannot have -- they don't have access to those -- that store of ideas and that evidence of experience that will help them shape whatever they need to shape for this particular moment. >>