so this was a botnet of thence of thousands of computers used for the attack, but the fellow who did it, one or two people, one computer, you know? >> guest: i've heard the code itself isn't sophisticated, it's actually a well known and an older version of a well known code. whoever decided to do this wasn't being all that imaginative or wasn't even that good? >> guest: you know, i have mixed feelings because the code was, as you say, sort of a reused code, probably got it off a cyber crime web site. you can buy the stuff. some of them have rankings, you know, like this seller has sold successfully ten times in the past, but the attack is the most primitive kind of attack, but there were some sophisticated parts to it. it came in three waves, they adjusted the target set for each wave, they changed the zombie computers they were using, so it wasn't somebody who was a dope, right? first i thought, basic attack, kid could do it. and now looking at it, there must have been some brains behind it. >> host: do you make any anything out of these reports out of south korea that therapy hard