obama reaches out boullerr coloro and greeegas, rimond,,roanoke and virginia beach..i'm mary ellen hopkins reporting. early voting resumes in maryyand... after hurricaae saa. sandy.on wedneay... there at..cng g nns at many stateeide is already ahead off - the first 3 days in 0-10. surrery, i wouldn't be able to vote withhut early voting, so it's veryimportaat this year." governor o'malley was among e wednesday... bringing along his son jack. jack.the gernor is uppet with a politiial addaaainst quussionn7... which woold expand gambling. he says the a.. wwiih claims that uinstnd. is nerre5-lldos ouo inaccuraae. through the staae by 45% since 2206 and we will be increaaing ucatn fundingy another r.eopngquestion 7 is sponsored by penn national gaming... which owns &pcharlessown. actor brad pitt is donating to the effort... to legalizeesame sex arriage in maryland. paryland.eanht hat iv10us arth organization.it'' the nation's largest lesbban, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights to marriage equality campaigg - resourcce in marylann, maane, cog nny stcts. victims.the steps you can for ride