he admitted possessing 3000 abuse images at bournemouth crown court in october.he was given a 12 month suspended sentence. this is 57 year old stuart pettifer. he made and distributed images of children, some as young as five, being abused. he had 14 cat images, but was given an eight month suspended sentence after his solicitor told the court his client had been having intimacy issues in his marriage. and this monster is 38 year old mark bullen. take a good look at him. he was found in possession of 3500 photos and videos in what one police officer described as one police officer described as one of the worst cases of his career. he had 556 category a images, but got a 15 month suspended sentence 15 months when his barrister said bullen had learning difficulties. this pervert is doctor ross canady. he's a 53 year old child psychologist who did work at the tavistock gender clinic. of course he did. he was given a 12 month suspended sentence for grooming, who he thought was a 15 year old schoolboy. he spoke with the lad about having sex in a park and five days lat