. >> mark bowden is the best-selling author of "the finish, the killing of osama bin laden." >> the two blackhawks had planned to move over the compound. >> 80 minutes into the 90-minute flight we bank to the south. and i'm counting still. it sounds made up. it sound cheesy. but as i'm counting for some reason i remembered a quote from george w. bush on 9/11, "freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward. and freedom will be defended." >> and i kind of got goose bumps. first off, how in the world did i just remember that? then i thought, forget counting. i started saying that over and over. "freedom itself was attacked this morning by a face les coward. freedom will be defended" it kind of hit me then. after weeks of training, 82 minutes into the flight i'm like i'm on this mission and we're going to kill him. two minutes out the doors open. and not a training site in the mountains in the united states. and it's not a desert. it's lights of the city. one minute out and i remember thinking, man, this is some serious navy s.e.a.l. stuff we're about to do. so we were in th