n-f-l wants evi's stadium" to be a "neutralite" for super bowl 5 buapparently---that ssage wasn't deliveredo the grounds crew!!! earlr this wk--- photographer niced both end zos were painted ibroncos orange andlue! turns out--he crews akenly painted the broncos' lo on both the visitors and home team end zone. no worries---both d zones are now fixed with the pper colors f t pers and the bron with the super bownow just over a week away-bncos mania has spread acrospueblo coun... one man has "renamed" his street the saint charles mesa to "pton manning road." to be clear though -- this road just off of highway 50 and 27th lane has always been called manning road. t when theroffially brought manning on board... this super fan went out to buy his own street sign. kept it up -- at the end of his driveway -er since. he's a great pr, it's en n to watch him plaand finish his caer here d hopefuy he go outike johnlway did winning the sur wl aid heost to it down after we lost e super bowl two yearago -- but decid to hold ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in tight's healtwatch. 's at thend of jaary---t heth expts say it'still not too late to get your flu sho