and it was officer boxhall. captain rostron said, "hello, young man. can you tell me what happened to the titanic?" he just bawled his eyes out, just started crying. and all boxhall could tell him is the ship's gone down. all these people are dead. and at that point, that's the first time anybody outside of the people that were directly impacted realized how significant the disaster really was. remarkably, for that time, there was a second camera on board the carpathia, and that is part of what led us to see the shellshocked survivors as they were pulled from the water. they were given food, drink, found a place for them to stay. quite a few of the carpathia passengers started helping the titanic people, taking them below decks. and some are crying, some are screaming. the things people saw that night would have been absolutely horrific. welcome back to how it really happened. the last section of the titanic hull still floating before she finally sank was the stern. it was standing on end out of the water. the last people still aboard titanic were at t