boyden gray. >> guest: boyden gray is a relatively recent addition to reason's board. he was, as you obviously know, a counsel to president bush. his brother, burton gray, was one of the--it might have been one of the founding board members of reason, was a--a bo--a board member for many years and died very young very tragically--had a heart attack. and so the f--the gray family has been involved with the reason foundation over many years and we actually have our--reason magazine's summer internship is endowed in memory of--of burton gray, and so boyden has taken an interest in us ... (unintelligible). c-span: walter e. williams. >> guest: walter williams is a professor at george mason university and a syndicated columnist, very articulate spokesman for libertarian ideas and has, again, been involved with reason for many, many years. c-span: now thomas beach and william dunn and neal goldman steinahans--is that... >> guest: steinahans. c-span: got that one wrong. manuel--or manuel... >> guest: oh, he actually goes by manny klausner, yeah. c-span: ...klausner, david koc