here's the secretary of state sitting with a group of doctoral on a rams, including frank boyden, theheadmaster of deerfield, j robert oppenheimer the literary critic, marshall. he's introduced by the president she is sold restatement to whom freedom owes an enduring debt, and who brooks comparison with only one other in our history. the audience understands what is meant is washington. that would make you feel pretty good, wouldn't it? even if you were george marshall. he walks to the lecture very quietly from the wind is buffeting the microphone and says i need not tell you gentlemen, this all-male school at that time, i need not tell you gentlemen the situation in europe is very serious. it was not the marshall plan, it was a marshall suggestion, which ever after he referred to as himself, he didn't call it the marshall plan. it was put together by general marshall, but also with the likes of george kennedy, chip bolin, m.d. after some. it was a remarkable adventure in what turned into was extraordinary. the ultimate accolade was awarded him in the form of the nobel peace prize in