. -- boyriginal poor bow hoevers were designed to be a sandwich big enough to feed an entire family. sandwich was invented at the martin brothers growsers. to brothers that -- grocers. sorry for the starving so they set out with heir french bread baker and italian man to create a sandwich big enough to feed a whole family. so they sketched out on a piece f brown pain are how long that -- paper how long it would be instead of being slightly baggettas a traditional they blunted the ends so that cut wouldn'the end get the short end of the deal. sandwich gets its name from the street consider a poor boy here is p-o-o-r-b-o-y.is we do know how to spell and enunciate. that was the result of that. menu, is an awesome special meal at tujaque's. the menu since about 1914. owners were partners. the woman and husband were madam d working for biguet whose place was her was tujaque. the is where she learned preparation of chicken bonbon. fried without any batter, any coating. it is just background and fried. potatoes are fried in the same oil. and then the whole thing is sprinkled with a fresh ga