so i was going to use lowdown for myself finally and then i couldn't afford the yacht rock song by bozt people come up to you on the street and yell at you, though, right? >> oh, yeah, literally and then do the double finger point. i took it as a sign of final success after 40 years of being in the business that i finally had a catchphrase, you know. >> that was a a a a up. i read the other day you actually became friends with supreme court justice clarence thomas? >> yes, so i got inducted into the horatio alger society and what it does takes the best and brightest students across the country, two from each state who have straight "a" gpas and come from families that make less than $20,000 a year and have really, really sad personal backgrounds that they've had to overcome, parents in prison and the stories just curl your hair and we as an organization send them to college. and it's a bipartisan group. supreme court justice clarence thomas put my medal over me when i was inducted in the supreme court. it's the only private service allowed in the supreme court. it was we willy, really