there were many heroes that day in bozeman. more than 70 firefighters and departments throughout the county answered the call for help. although it took hours to shut off the natural gas that caused the initial blast, the volunteers continued to fight the blaze. many had left their day jobs to perform their duties. the calls for help continued long after the blaze was extinguished. residents had lost their homes. small business owners had lost their livelihood. in the truest expression of what it is to be a montanan, the people of bozeman pulled together to help the victims of the blast and rebuild downtown. local businesses donated food to emergency workers. they donated lumber to cover shattered windows. a community relief fund provided $200,000 to help those left homeless find shelter and replace paychecks of those left jobless. the story of a man named chris kundy fully illustrates this generous spirit. chris was left homeless after the explosion and the subsequent fire destroyed almost everything he owned. chris even lost