: and who are the >> brabant: for many swedes, the gang war symbolizes a failure of integration. it fuels resentment against immigrants. the latest victim was 20 years old. he was killed next to a local mosque. the fthac rivals are killing each other is of little comfort, because the number of shootings is oe n se, and often there's. crossfi >> my name is jimmie akkesson and i will do everything in my power to sol this chaoshat you social democrats and you liberals have created. >> brabant: jimmie akkesso ms is benefitit from sweden's growing sense of insecurity. mi leads yet another far right party, the anti-ant sweden democrats. the party has neo nazi origins, but it has jettisoned its more extreme policies and members who espoe openly racist views. despite becoming more mainstream, the sweden democts are widely regarded as pariahs. in one election video, akkesson paintfs an apocalyptic image o sweden that critics say whips up e climate of fear. >> mass immigration hasn't paid off. we know that today. and we know that in reality it inflicts enormous costs and a huge burden on o