bush and bracco obama and andrea mays the creation of shakespeare's first folio and a copy of the book 280 years later. in the coming weeks senator claire mccaskill will discuss her upbringing and her path to the senate. pres. of the american enterprise institute calls for a new kind of conservativism also recalling a it's now possible to limit federal power through the use of technology rather than the constitution. >> one of the deep sources of satisfaction in life is a vocation of something you love and love to do well it's a big deal. to the extent that you have lots of people, some locations including physicians and small-business people of all kinds where they say i can't do what i want to do in terms of providing a good or service it's getting in the way it's impeding freedom in a really important way. >> afterwards on book tv every saturday on 10:00 p.m. and sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. you can watch on book tv.org. book tv recently visited capitol hill to ask members of congress what they are reading the summer. >> just last weekend i finished a book about churchill and roosev