brad benson. thanks for hearing this item today. so, the way the federal process works on the federal funding side is congress has to authorize the project first and then they can start appropriating funds first for design and then later for construction. we looked at other cities around the country. it is very infrequent project sponsors get full federal funded. it is [indiscernible] out over time, and on the local side, the 35 percent is too big for the city capital budget now. this is a major concern of director forbes at the port thinking from the capital planning committee perspective. we got to develop a range of local, regional and state sources. there is a possibility that federal sources could be counted as match, but only if they are authorized that way. there was predecessor work that was done in 2017 that lead to the bond proposition a, the sea wall earthquake safety bond lead to the recommendation to do this study and so we are going back and looking at those financial recommendations and ultimately director forbes want