brad bergesen is no longer with the orioles....and jeremy guthrie gets traded...r has opened up in minnesota, but its not the menu people are talking about... its the bathroom. walk... into... the... women's restroom ... at... "pub 500"..../ and... you'll find... a machine... that dispenses... pregnancy tests.../. women... swipe.. .a... credit card, .../ and... for... 3 dollars, .../ they... can... get a test...//. it's... the... work... of.. .a... non-profit... called... "healthy brains for children"..../ which... says... women... should áthinká... before... they drink..../ the... c--d--c... says.../ one... in... 13 women ...drink alcohol... while pregnant,.../ which... can lead... to... birth defects. "that period of time when the woman doesnt know she's pregnant is so critical to the brain development of a child." child.""i think, if you've got a chance to solve a problem that's actually 100 percent preventable in any way, shape or form, i'm all for it." it." the... non-profit... plans... to... use thh money... raised by the dispensers... to... put up ...more o