bring in former brad blak blake, your reaction?pierration, president obama wanted a deal badly, worse than the iranians wanted a deal with the united states and allies, if anything, it should show our allies what intent was of president obama and real intent of the iranians to wash cash, launder cash, not to build roads, schools and bridges in iran but to support groups like hezbollah. liz: this is scary, doing shadowed diplomacy like this to this degree and level, they are finding and slamming u.s. banks over financial collapse, strong arming two banks to get in on this. here is an e-mail from obama official said jack lew, and john kerry could be used to pressure the two u.s. banks. what is going on? >> what it is, it is clear violation of law to skirt sanctions. also an attempt at bamboozling congress, telling them, this is not what we're doing, when it is what they are doing. liz: they are acting above the law. >> no question. liz: stunning. i am sorry, we have so much to talk to you, we want your reacted to this, in report, say