. >> reporter: across west avenue brad kelly was cleaning up the sand and other debris washed up around his house. >> yeah, you want to live on a island you have to put up with some minor inconvenience and that is how i look at this. >> reporter: so, speaking with several town officials, throughout the new jersey shore they say there was not widespread flooding into businesses or homes like that storm, this time, last year, when they say it is pretty typical, strong nor'easter. hopefully tomorrow, they won't see nearly as much flooding as they saw this morning. reporting live from north wildwood, cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. >>> after wet, windy start to the week storms are moving out , of the area, and lets go over to meteorologist kate bilo in the weather center with an update on that. >> good to have optimistic weather news after a stretch of wet, gray weather for past week or so now. we are finally seeing this system exiting but there are still a few showers across the area tonight. you can see back edge of the the low producing shower activity the espe