lemons flying around the world. and the capability to have that part of the brain memory taken away. so they don't recall some of the things that remind them where they were. brad: number one. if you mean sleeper like sleeper agents like a tv show like the americans with a place in the united states and activated at some point spread yes. at a stuff about changing people's memories and some like that, i don't know anything about that. peter: joanne is in north carolina. tinaguest: hello and thank you r taking my call. i've enjoyed all of your books bring their very exciting. my question is do you have other authors. and why did you choose this guy as russian dog. brad: these were docs that were popular in the east german border dogs, very tall in the shoulders. no i don't have them. actually have hyper smart dog. the took one of them on the been london rate. into titanium titanium teeth. my saw have titanium teeth with their hyper intelligence very loyal dogs pretty i think my wife would go crazy and keep the house and dog food if i had those big russian books. i have to have right to six proceeded to afford them. peter: their highly trained and very loyal. whe