to hang out with any of them, but he did seem to be having a really great time with uncle brad and uncle lucasessly executed plan worked perfectly. i just wanted him to be a kid for the day. mm. i want him to enjoy that for as long as possible, because i want that for all my boys. yeah? even me? yes, franco. even you... oh. ♪ poor anna. not as close to your son as you hoped you would be by now? congratulations. why, thank you. if only you meant it. you want me to say things that i mean? oh, i'd be happy to. all right, first of all, i don't understand why my son would offer you a job after you tormented him and tried to kill him. i don't understand why he didn't send you to prison. i do understand that probably your cruelty is caused by grief and a-a deep maternal instinct, and i -- and i do know that we both understand what it's like to send a child away, to abandon a child, to keep him away from the clutches of a monstrous father. [ sighs ] that is the only way you and i are at all alike. you know what? that's not true. because i think we both have a-a-a darkness to us, don't we? so you -- yo