and i want to say a special thanks to brad mcray and mindy young and travis before him at the bay conservation and development commission for advocating for open space, demanding it, penalizing us when we didn't do it as fatv as they like, and being very patient as well when it took longer and more money than anybody envisioned. so, please join me in thanking bcdc and welcoming larry gold span, the executive director of bcdc. (applause) >> thank you, monique. and i want to recognize all the elected and appointed officials here today. and i especially want to thank supervisor chiu for his leadership on bcdc. and for all of their hard work on developing the great brannan street wharf. together, bcdc and the port of san francisco always seem to figure out how to make something get done for the waterfront. and we really do that in the spirit of cooperation and we try to do that in the spirit of creativity. and as you look around this marvelous space, i think you see both. plainly evident before you. let me say the only person between you and actually enjoying the space, i'll be very short. we all