. >> inside randlestown high school, baltimore county, brad norton taught english, one morning in 2012, a tenth grade student said is he sexually assaulted him inside the classroom. according to police report, the 15-year-old said norton touched him on the chest beneath his shirt, then touched his penis, arrested, booked, charged he ea sex offense in court. the victim's father said the case had an impact on their family. >> unfortunately i think people naively assume that will educators are there to protect our kids and you know, far too often we see they're not. >> jennifer is a pld community activist who the counsels sex offenders and pushed for tougher background checks on educators. >> abuse is democratic and happens in all races, all religions, all neighborhoods, all education levels. >> the thing is, this was no common case and brad norton was no common teacher. he had a secret. down the road in virginia, in 2004, he was teaching english here, heyfield secondary, fairfax county public schools. but only briefly. becauses in 2004, he was arrested. and we found the details are strik