. >> the other but you have brad shaw elephants on the edge, what relevance teach about humanity. >> yeah, this is a marvelous book. it's very moving, very touching. what she does here and she has quite a platform in doing this, she's been on 20 slash 20 and 60 minutes and when she tries to do is understand how human behavior affects the global population of animals and wild and in captivity and it is a very touching subject i think people who have read temple brandon and jeffrey mesan on these issues will respond because her actions to have consequences and especially on those creatures can't argue for themselves in books like elephants for instance, so she talks about sort of the elephants have a nervous breakdown, that's what the title refers to so the inter emotional life of animals and actually help our own empathy towards understanding how they behave teach us something about what it is to be human so it is a very interesting turnaround. in the efforts to understand animals we begin to understand ourselves. >> to biographies yale university press has coming out by two artists,