this is appeal number 18-076, brad susthiem versus san francisco public works, the bureau of urban forestry. the property is 1639 -- [inaudible] >> -- to remove one street tree with a replacement javt to the subject property. this is public works order number 187809, and i understand the parties have reached a settlement or do we want to proceed with the normal appeal times? >> chris buck with san francisco public works bureau of urban forestry. both parties have reached an agreement but perhaps we'd both need at least three minutes or so to still just present our findings to you for your approval? is that -- >> clerk: is that a sufficient amount of time for the appellant? okay. and then, it will also be open to public comment. so -- >> correct. >> if you're going to speak, you need to come forward. >> one question to verify if there's an agreement, it's still open to public comment. my sense is we'd still have public comment. absolutely. >> yes. >> clerk: since you're allotted seven minutes, i would suggest you just keep with that. you don't have to use the full seven minutes, but in the e