steps that the technicians take to develop maintenance and management assets in collections brad vaheed zakari rad sada and sima news agency researchers have shown in studies that the more inactive the elderly are, the greater their risk of dementia, according to the website of the american medical association, researchers of the physical and mental conditions of more than 50 thousand people over 60 he reviewed the year for about 7 years according to researchers, elderly people who were sedentary for 12 hours a day were 63% more at risk of dementia, and this risk increased by 320% in people who sat for 15 hours. as a result of this research, inactivity is associated with a greater risk of heart attacks , strokes, and diabetes. or liver disease, artificial intelligence can steal people's passwords with 95% accuracy, the results of the latest survey show that artificial intelligence can decode the most complex passwords without looking at the screen , according to shia news nation, artificial intelligence by listening to voices keyboard buttons while typing it learns the sound of every letter that is typ