bradberry was in charge of assembling non-nuclear gadget. if you would like to see that, i can send you photos. there is also classified footage of bradberry putting the components together. you can see that by putting in a request to the national security research center. oppenheimer is overseeing the final assembly. the bottom photo, you can see the 100-foot tower, we will talk about that in a few moments. in the bunker of the tower, they put cloth around the base of the tower. that photo may mean something to some of you looking into the history of criticality, but that is a discussion for a different day. friday the 13th, i believe it was thought that that day would bring [indiscernible] with the trinity test. one problem we had was that when they tried to put the pin into the high explosives assembly, it didn't fit. i think this caused a momentary, i don't want to use the word crisis, but this was an intense moment as they realized that what happened was heat expansion that caused the pin to expand ever so slightly so that it did not go