social partners and is author of the ten principles of open business and in new york we cross in bradenton he is a media culture and communications professor at the new york university all right cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i very much encourage it david if i go to you first in london what is the relation. between conventional media and social media because i have the impression that social media is now leading conventional media well you only have to look at the newspaper certainly here in london and you'll see very very often the case that people are or news media is following the agenda set by trends that are emerging from. platforms like twitter. now whether that's the most relevant news to the individuals threats for me the bigger question of what's happening with me because news has traditionally been occurring the lowest skews very low a lowest common denominator. or way of reporting the facts of the world i think what social media are unable to is to really focus on many issues of interest that we care about and therefore what becomes o