my name is bradley william clouse. i may service veteran social ingÉnue or an football player.i am here to request a motion to stop the distraction of the development of candlestick park and to seek new alternatives to sustain and develop candlestick park stadium up to and including 2 seek an active participatory involvement to obtain a major league soccer franchise. i further request the board of supervisors to seek a new historical assessment. one that which does recognize the now deceased architect john savage polls as the master architect architecture that he is. that candlestick park is for many great and greatly overlooked facts a national landmark. [inaudible] says the positive sustainable alternatives to [inaudible] meld the developers proposed rents with current interest. furthermore, i've been talking and working with other communities here involved in the bay area. we have the oldest football association still within our city limits. the san francisco soccer football league. this fall season we are recognizing the one or 14 year of our existence. that is both longer