fields like his have been swallowed up by the vast river it's easy to see why they call this the brahmaputra meaning son of the creator for centuries it sustained all manner of life here local still offer thanks but now it's taking over wiping out villages some are losing faith. the situation we're in now he's living like refugees now. he's closing seen the river so closely i can't trust the river. how can i love the river. see. the brawling flood plains couldn't be farther from the industrialized world that shapes its future expect to see the problem is that manmade climate change is bringing on extreme weather patterns. so what's happening with global warming is that when it rains it pours so the average number of rainy days in a season is declining. but the quantity of water that pours down and back one shower is increasing islanders hope that some form of water management could yet save maturely but with scientists estimating that lantier could be washed away in just 20 years with julie's feet may offer a bleak sign of things to come. in those comprised less than 4 percent of the populat